The section in question displays a fix for the issue, as seen below:
As the screenshot describes, the game requires the code for a Discord Rich Presence, in which you'll need to install 'Microsoft Visual Studio Community' with a version that's from 2019 or later. In addition, the screenshot above highlights an additional installation you'll need to install. You can just check the screenshot itself for the exact name of the installation, its the checked option.
Hopefully this fixes any issues regarding the game's opening/closing problem. I thought I'd make a split post about the fix as not many people will know there's suddenly a new section to the QnA addressing the problem without randomly coming across either the description or the comment left by __b not too long before this post. You can also thank them personally for the fix, as I'm not the coder for the game lmao.
Thanks for reading, we'll have more updates on Icebound's development soon. ^^
- Icebox Team