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This was going to be a planned Limited Visibility challenge, where your vision would be limited to just a flashlight like in FNAC 3, but it was scrapped due to being more unfun than interesting. It was then replaced by Faulty Flashlight.
you can customize the key you use for the flashlight
js a misc qol thing i added cus why not
NOTE: You can't use Escape as a key, & you won't be able to leave the Options menu until you select a key. (you can still Alt + F4 tho, it js wont save)
Rat Race Production Update
remade the header for 1.0, its not much but it should hopefully be more appealing than it was before lmao
this will not stay forever btw, when 2.0 comes out this WILL be replaced with the 2.0 header
ill probably redo the thumbnail when 2.0 comes out
Only one remains to be put into the creation...
Who do you think it is...
Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!
This is me when no black bars vs. black bars Ig
Note that I'm going off how the game looks with & without black bars (first one is no black bars, and second one is with black bars)