2 years ago

FR: Cette souris cherche quelqu'un qui sait faire du pixel art pour son futur jeu Sonic.exe => @TheTailsExe

EN: This mouse is searching after someone who knows how to make pixel art for his futur Sonic.exe game => @TheTailsExe



Next up

FR: Le bureau 2D a été ajouté au projet. :D

EN: The 2D office has been added to the project. :D

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/3D_Models_-_Stickers/813065

FR: Personne n'a encore trouvé, vous me décevez.

EN: Nobody has figured it out yet, you disppoint me.

=> https://gamejolt.com/p/fr-si-vous-me-trouver-le-nom-de-cette-cha…

FR: Lorsque vous me donnez un paquet d'autocollants en cadeau, aviez-vous dû payer pour ? :o

EN: When you gift me a sticker pack, did you have to pay for it ? :o

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Sonic.EXE!

Complete the quest and you'll get a Sonic pack!

FR: Nouvelle vidéo, un peu différentes que celles que je fais habituellement. (N'oubliez de partager) ;)

EN: New video, a bit different from the one I usually do. (Don't forget to share) ;)

=> https://youtu.be/HlF8MFLuekI

#Joltober 2024 has come to an end so we wanted to show off some of the art posted by your fellow Jolters.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's challenge!

(Check the article to links to the original posts so you can give 'em a like!)

FR: Une promotion en échange d'une promotion. ;)

EN: A promotion in exchange for a promotion. ;)

=> @Manic0626

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/UCN-GJ/854514

FR: C'est en ligne ! Je peux vous le promettre, il en a plein que vous ne connaissez pas. =)

EN: It's online ! I can guarantee you, there are plenty of them you don't know. =)

=> https://youtu.be/4COE5jmReJQ

Bat? Hedgehog? Batgehog?

Just shadow 🌒

I didn't have internet to be able to publish it in time :(( But here was the drawing of day 3 #bat.

FR: J'ai acheté son jeu grâce à vos autocollants chargés. Allez l'acheter aussi. ;)

EN: I bought his game thanks to your charged sticker. Go buy it too. ;)

=> @IsuHem

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/anothernightmareoverhaul/933611