Creepy Nights at Freddy's 2

4 years ago

Frequently Asked Questions

Since I keep getting a lot of similar and silly questions, I decided to make this FAQ. If you still have any questions, or just want to chat, welcome to the comments section.

Q: Will you make CNaF3? Where is CNaF3? When is CNaF3? What is CNaF3? I want CNaF3! etc.
A: Game development is creative, but at the same time quite monotonous activity, so you can quite easily burn out. And also considering that I currently have depression (if you think that it does not exist, then please go here -> EXIT), it turns into a living Hell. During the development of CNaF2 I was always telling myself "Just do it". It is incredibly difficult and very mentally exhausting. So I decided that I would not do anything until I want to. And this is not possible until I am cured of depression, otherwise the situation with CNaF2 will repeat. Unfortunately, I have been trying to recover for almost five months, and there is no visible result

Q: CNaF android! CNaF2 android! Make a CNaF for android or I will calculate you by IP, etc.
A: The reason is the same (read above). But I would like to add more. If you want to play good games (I'm not talking about CNaF), buy a PC, Xbox or PS. It's not that expensive, and you don't need a top PC. Instead of spending money on a phone (which won't even run CNaF if it was ported it), set it aside for a PC or game console. Phones are not for games. At least, not right now. You will not be able to name a masterpiece game that is now available on the phones. 99.9% of games are simple money pumping. Yes, there are good games, but there are no masterpieces. Phones are not for real games, but for killing time on a trip or at recess at school

Q: CNaF is too difficult, it is impossible!
A: I didn't create a casual game that every 7-year-old pupil can complete. On the last nights, you should feel how hard it is for the night guard to survive. If you can't pass the 5th night, it means that you are doing something wrong, not that the game is impossible. Try different tactics, watch videos on YouTube, ask other players. In CNaF2, I specifically added hints which display while the level is loading. If you died 15 times in 6 night, this is also normal. Initially (during development) the difficulty was much higher, it was really almost impossible even for me.

Q: How do I exit the cameras in CNaF2? The cameras don't work, I can't get out!
A: Seriously? And a piece of paper with a list of keys and what they are responsible for right under your nose on the table for what?

Q: Will free roam be added to CNaF2? Free roam. Free roam! CNaF2 is shit, because you can't free roam there!
A: The concept of FNaF2 itself does not imply the ability to walk. A huge number of animatronics and all sorts of other rubbish. All of them are crowding towards the night guard. And in the pizzeria there are also 2 corridors, in which almost all of them are located at the same time, and there is no way to get around them. Of course, it's possible to add something else, but the game will turn into a stupid run around the pizzeria from the crowd of animatronics. If this is what you need, welcome to FNaF2 Doom Mod. My game is not that kind
P.S. I don't understand why everyone likes FNaF2 so much. The atmosphere is worse than in the first game, the whole gameplay is reduced to developing a reaction. The first and fourth games are scarier and better in the atmosphere, the third game is a little better in the plot (I'm not talking about the fifth and subsequent ones at all, they are worse than the first four in all plans, except for the technical one).

Q: If both the toy and the withered animatronics come at the same time, then it is definitely death
A: No, if that were the case, it would be impossible to complete the game. And I already wrote what to do in this case, and the game has a hint which is displayed sometimes at the screen when the night is loading . But I'll say it one last time: withered animatronics won't attack if their eyes are fixed. They're waiting for the toy animatronics. So you first put on the mask, and then climb under the table (Toy Freddy doesn't care, he's a bear of patience, he'll wait until you get out from under the table and put on the mask).

Q: I can't download the game. I can't open the file. I have an error when opening/starting
A: I wonder who writes this? Pupils who first turned on the father's computer? On GameJolt, there is a "download" button, and the most simple archive is downloaded. CNaF2 is even contained in a zip archive that can be opened by Windows itself without any third-party programs. And besides, there is a GameJolt Client that will do everything for you itself

Q: The game is not running, the FPS is as low as possible, etc.
A: I don't know how antediluvian a PC should be that the game does not run at all. As for FPS, you can play with even 15 frames, if you really want to. The minimum requirements are neither low nor high. There will be no lite version of CNaF2, there is nothing to simplify. And then what is the point of UE4, if the game will look like it was made on the Doom engine?

Q: Given the above, what is the chance that you will ever come back?
A: 40%. If I come back, I will let you know.

If you still have any questions, please, ask them, I will be glad to answer them. You'd better do this, because if there is no activity from you, then even if I get rid of depression (which I really hope), it will simply not make any sense for me to do anything




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