Birthday At Freddy's
1 year ago

Fresh start.

@blat speaking.

Tough decision yet completely unavoidable with what we had on our hands.

Barely any idea on what the game should actually be, bad management led this game to become a mess. Everyone is having hard time with their personal lives as some even had and still have to adapt to their new homes after moving out from Ukraine. I personally have.

And it's not just that. @Priest himself has also moved out because he thought some other place would be better for him. And the team was fine with that. But that took away a lot of the time he could've spent on the game. Lack of direction became our dead end and we realized that going back is not an option here.

We need time. It's all for the better as always. Some changes to the page and some other stuff might come in sometime later. When we'll be ready. I've taught my lesson not to announce stuff before making sure that the game is gonna be actually good (We had no game) fourth time now.

With that we're also rebranding our team!! No more cheesy CosmoGames! (uggh). We're Nomad's Yurt from now on!!! (very symbolic yes ). We've been thinking of doing this for long now actually. Took the chance on such occasion.

So soon we'll get back to work by our new schedule. Hope we won't struggle with this anymore!

It's a new day folks! and so have a good one.



Next up

We are currently polishing BaF to bring you an experience you will remember 🥰

luhh code (prolly like 20% of it)



DEMO OUT NOW! (april fools)

Scrapped: Pepeto Pizza (mid 2023)


Texturers, modelers and UI artists needed!

thank you everyone