Main changes
Blend with your surroundings
No, we are not talking about a stealth suit or an invisibility potion (yet). But now, if you want to avoid other players’ unwanted attention, you can use crouching to hide your name from them and become a little bit less visible than before.
“So, what’s wrong with Tremula?”
Since the last update, we’ve been receiving plentiful bug reports regarding the quest line related to Tremula, appearing in many different instances, but all resulting in the whole quest being broken. We found and fixed those bugs, so now you can finally complete every task without any problems.
“Do I hold it right side up?”
There are a couple of changes dedicated to the map. Firstly, you can now rotate the camera around your character while looking at the map by holding the Right Mouse Button. Secondly, the map got a much needed update, and now correctly represents the current state of terrain.
More info about update
We look forward to seeing you in the world of Arkana!
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