I’m happy to announce that the full version of Fredbear and Friends: Reboot has officially been released. It’s free to download for everyone, available on the main page.
This isn’t the final version of the game, however. I will be doing a few bug fixes over time and maybe adding a few extra features, much like the upcoming Arcade gamemode, which will essentially be FF:R’s custom night.
Below are all the changes that have been done to the game. There’s a massive amount of these, so I recommend reading this. I’d also suggest the YouTubers not to skip the starting part of the game, as a huge ton has changed.
Patch Notes - V.2.0
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where Richard’s scream could be triggered endlessly
Corrected the Bathroom key usage
Added new exit signs for both the main and emergency exit
Improved Motion Blur & Bloom
Some decals have been redesigned due to issues with the new fog
New Dust particle system
Increased the volume of the phone call
New startup screen(s)
Improved menu visuals and new theme music
Updated Chica’s jumpscare
Updated ‘Endocluster’ (Vent Thing) jumpscare sound
A segment of the phone call cutscene was re-animated due to issues with the older animation
New & Improved ambiance at the first part of the game
The Chris intro phone call, beginning restaurant meetup, Chris conversation and Prequel phone call cutscenes have recieved a small treat
New power up sound effect
Entirely new lightning/fog
Replaced a chunk of Thomas’s lines with new & improved one’s
Pressing ESC will now send you back to the main menu and save progress - Thanks, Carnage!
New limited office door mechanic
New Animatronic Detection system - Animatronics will no longer detect you through walls
New collectibles in the form of cassette tapes have been added
Chris’s death cutscene has recieved a major overhaul
The hiding from Foxy cutscene has also recieved a major overhaul
The ‘Vent Thing’ has now been renamed to ‘The Endocluster’
Freddy no longer has his left ear in the jumpscare
The phone is now on the housing when calling in the phone call cutscene
Improved the ventilation model in the Office
If you experience any singular glitch/bug in the game, please report it in the comments. I will be updating the game over time when these are found, and I’m sure there are a few that I and the testing team overlooked.
If you have any questions about the game, ask away over at this link.
That’s about it, for now. Now go ahead and download the game!
Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!