> Dormitabis
7 years ago

Full Lore Reveal - What's going on?

Recently, we have been feeling that a lot of people have failed to put the pieces of lore found in Dormit- I mean, Domino’s together. For this very reason, this post will explain the entirety of the lore so that everybody may be satisfied with the conclusion!

Our story starts in late 1939. The soviet union has officially declared war on Finland and is now advancing towards the Mannerheim Line. This contributes absolutely nothing to the story of Domino’s, actually.

Our story actually starts in 2015. One evening, I decided that Insanity was somehow worthy a sequel and assembled a “team” of people to create such a game. No, I don’t mean Insanity 2. That didn’t actually happen and was actually a conspirancy theory used to distract people from the fact that hitler is well and alive in Argentina.

The team slowly started to work on Dormitabis. Very slowly. Development was going great, but one day, OwneTrick caught a cold and died from sneezing too much. OwneTrick then decided to haunt me, but instead of throwing around stuff in my room like a real ghost, I just forced him to go make Domino’s.

Everyone else left after Owne died, but while leaving the totally real “Blackout Studios” they all got hit by a truck together and died too. The truck driver was currently transporting server farms rendering the Popgoes 2 graphics, by the way.

So OwneTrick took about 42 years to complete the game. It was then released in a broken state as a metaphor for how the team machine broke. No, those weren’t bugs! They were 100% intentional. Really.

Religion Ahmad 2.

  • xoxo



Next up

Check this. _(Note: Dormitabis won’t release in 2017. This teaser is not about Dormitabis.)_

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Fallen angels (Wip model #2)

Fallen angels (A wip model..)

Send voice samples to my mail! | Story Mechanic Teaser

Don't expect a Gamepage anytime soon tho.… _Yes, the fan is animated._

SDGaming12 This is a shoutout for SDGaming12. Because *Ahmad* said so. ~Also accept my friend request on Discord your Doorknob~