Here is more detailed information!
Decayed Villca (discarded): This is Broken Villca's Beta Design, he misses an arm, his glove turned dark and half of his face is covered by SV's substance.
Heartsoul (discarded): This is a fusion of Broken Sol and Broken Heartcat, hence the name Heartsoul.
Fun Villca (discarded): This is ShowStar Villca's Beta Design, it was made around November 21th of 2021 by the time tnav 2 wasn't even planned.
Fallen Star (discarded): Originally, SV would use ShowStar Meidenc's body to become fusion creation, this was scrapped as it didn't convince Villca.
Monster Beta Villca (discarded): Originally, beta night would have a 2nd phase, making the game harder in the process, but by lack of time and motivation, it was just left as an idea.
his description was taken from the official TNaV wiki, btw. Thanks @ItzSForShadow