Funny LP!Rune song lol
Next up
Since Frostbite won't be in TSW2, I'm thinking about maybe giving him his own spin-off to better explain his world and maybe even add a new ending. Nothing's final yet. Just an idea.
Mario in the Negative Dimension 2's game page will be made in a little while. I'll post here to let you guys know when it's ready. The game is making progress with an evil and good route. Trailer will be made soon. Enjoy the teaser!
The Secrets Within 2 is cancelled.
Remake is being considered.
"But his hate didn't let him go"
DustDust! Sans battle sprite
Here is a Chapter 1 teaser of what some segments of the map looks like. I shall not tell you much! But this is all you get for now! Bye bye! -Curlyhead._ant
Update on DTAM
The Dusttale Aftermath Reboot!
Oh look at that! It's a game update post!
"After being bullied all her life, a teenage girl named Kay finds herself in the Dark World and is given the task of saving the world. But she's not going to do it alone." Welcome to LP!Rune! Check out the game's description for more information! :]