Mostly small tweaks in this update but I think some of the changes I've made are actually really interesting.
Improved firing animations for:
Weapon Balance
Max firing speed reduced from 325% to 200%
Added a 1s time window when you stop firing that stops your firerate windup from decreasing
The heat variable no longer corresponds to your firerate, meaning that the max heat you can obtain before the weapon overheats is still 325%
Chargeup speed is massively faster
Base damage multiplier 125% -> 150%
Base projectile scale 1x -> 2x
No more delay between initiating seperate chargeups
Small decrease in projectile speed to help with some buggy skipping
You no longer have to let go of your M1 button to fire, instead the gun will fire immediately once the max charge is reached
Item Balance
Base Healing
Cooldown increased 6 -> 7s
Crown of Light
Damage reduction under full health -50% -> -40%
Shield 'o Justice
Now scales with Oil Change
Interprets the attack speed increase as a rotation speed increase
Corrupted Ring
No longer fully disables your attachment items
Now only decreases their attack speed by 40%
Moon Fragment
Now increases the odds of firing a syringe with the item Euthanasia in your inventory
Heavy Duty Armor
Now also adds 4 base damage
Move speed penalty -20% -> -30%