Codename Determination
4 years ago

Game is cancelled.

It is with heavy heart... that I announce the end of development for this game. It was a fun ride and I appreciate everyone's contributions and support along the way from when it was a crappy demo to a still-crappy-but-better release.

I am cancelling the game because I believe it no longer stands up to the standards that I wanted it to. There are also other online Undertale fangames that has more content, more polishing, and more players than CN:D. I never expected to take the game this far and it has been severely demotivating to try and make it better for the players that enjoy the game currently.

I know that there are certain of you that might hate me for cancelling the game, and if not hate then be severely pissed off at. Especially those that majorly provided help and resources. The game would not have made it this far without any of y'all's help. Unfortunately, the cancellation of the game also means that the game will not receive the v1.2 update that I expected it to.

I want to thank every single one of you for bringing the game to where it stands today. The current game servers will remain active for as long as it can or until Photon decides to shutdown the servers.

Developing CN:D has been a journey, but it is now to say goodbye.

Stay determined.



Next up

I will be switching from a self-hosted server to multiple servers in different regions! Each server will, unfortunately, have spots for 20 players max. Though, there'll be 8 servers available and players worldwide can join a server near them!

New Gamemode's Map Reveal! Sorry for lack of activity, currently working on a gamemode so y'all don't get bored in the Free Roam mode!

Choose your vessel... Species, first.

It had to happen

Pssst. Here's a thing that is in the works!

Time for a brand new logo lads !

Introducing, the three forms for Humans, and Monsters.

Yes, they're similar to their counterparts.

Great news. Google Play Games is now supported for the next update. However, not every part of the Google Play Games functionalities will be implemented or utilized.


We're sorry if the next demo's been pushed back every now and then. But I assure you, the next build will be rather soon. VERY soon. Stay Determined!
