Comments (147)
inaccurate and kinda buggy, but different enough from other undertale online fangames to peek my interest.
the alpha was amazing!
Wait Rei, what happened to the Android port?????
what token? I don't even know what's my token
why is a lot of people not online in the game ;-;?
New Era
Welcome to the new CN:D.
New Era for Android
EXPERIMENTAL! This port is currently still being experimented with. Expect instability and bugs.
Reborn (Concept Test)
This is a concept test for the multiplayer functionality of Reborn.
Game Soundtrack

Welcome to Codename: Determination! An online UNDERTALE inspired game.
Codename: Determination allows you and other players to socialize and play together in a custom universe!
What it has to offer!
Regional servers all over the world! Play on servers that are nearby you! Each capped at 20 CCU (a limitation we can not bypass).
A few game modes! We got three game modes and a miscellaneous game mode (if you could count it as a game mode) for you to play on!
Discord Rich Presence!Now your friends can know what you're up to in the game!Currently inoperational.Android and PC cross-play! Got a friend who's on Android? They can play with you via the Android port of the game! We improved the controls on this version than Reborn.
Goats and humans! Because, why not!
(Undertale by Toby-Fox)
#undertale #online #multiplayer #unity #singleplayer #fangame
#rpg #android
Fantasy Violence