Cynthia Johnson

3 years ago

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

Cynthia Johnson is currently being transferred from the LÖVE2D engine to Apollo. Reasons, I wanted to get out of the LÖVE2D thing, as I'm not satisfied with the way things are going as far as LÖVE2D is concerned, but since LÖVE2D is not my project, I have no power over it. Apollo is mine, so that works out better. Plus I have some bad experiences with the community. I really must request again to get my account there deleted, as they apparently never did.

However unlike my RPG games, LÖVE2D did come closer to the way Apollo is set up, allowing me to more easily do this transfer.

  1. Saved data from the old version is completely compatible with the new version. You do need to transfer it from an old folder to a new one, and I hope I can go more into the deep of this in a document you can find on my github page.

  2. The Game Jolt API and Anna have been stripped from the game. Once the new version is on-line the older version won't be able to access The Game Jolt API so don't even try it.

  3. MacOS support has been removed, and since Apple has gone beyond paranoid, it will never be (officially) back. If you wanna see if you can get the Apollo engine compiled and working on Mac, then be my guest, but it will never be officially supported.

  4. Linux support is down too, but I am still investigating if Linux would be possible in the future. Linux has NEVER been kind on me though, so I cannot make any promises, yet.

  5. A few font changes took place. This was because Cynthia did use the original LÖVE2D system font, so a substitute was required.

The old version has been removed. I hope to upload the new version somewhere before August this year.



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