6 months ago

Game's renamed, but as I can't use my PC now I'll rename and remake the game page later.

Игра переименована, но из-за того, что я не могу юзать ПК я потом переделаю страницу



Next up

Development has started


Abstraction of light that'll lead me to dark...ness ohh....

Демо 2 не выйдет, всё из-за того, что Митя не поиграл со мной в Роблокс

Demo 2 will not come out, because @Mitya152486 e didn't played Roblox with me yet

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

En: I did my first loop samle pack i guess. Most of them are bad, I just tried to make something like this, but if you won't like it so much, I will not make vol. 2

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

i dont know what this is

я не знаю что это

Hello and... Yes, I have Twitter now...

Здравствуйте и... Да, теперь у меня есть Твиттер

Devlog 1 - Now we're really cooking!

NATURAL MARVINSML!!!!!!.. but something's off...

НАТУРАЛЬНЫЙ МАРВИНСМЛ!!!!!!!!.. но что-то не так