Undertale Yellow - Dual [A vengeance/genocide Starlo fight]
9 months ago

Game Update 06/17/2024

Music for the game has been released on the GJ page aswell as the musician's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UTGoodGuy/videos


There's been a lack of updates and progress because i've been busy with school, but now that it's over this should come out relatively soon.

You should listen to the game's music, it's great! Made by @UTMuseix

Also, almost all sprites are done thanks to @PaegoTeam ,

And since most of the attacks are finished aswell, it only leaves adding the gamejolt API and finishing some menus.

The GJ page screenshots have also been updated.

So yeah, probably the next time i post something about this it'll be celebrating the game's release, yay!

You know the deal.




Next up

We're looking for spriters!

At the moment the applications are: Closed

Watch the whole thing it's not just text.

Message me on gamejolt if you're interested (i mean send me a friend request).


update soon i guess

(it's already out)



HTML build coming soon.

Linux build coming later (if it'll work).

If the 32/64 bit version causes issues for people i'll upload a 64 bit only version aswell.

Thanks for waiting. And...i guess have fun.

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

Game update 03/24/2024


Dev Update - April 2024

200 followre

what could the image mean ooooooo

The game got a new thumbnail/header thanks to @Dark_Haos !

And the 3rd image, well you can probably figure out what that one is for.

(The next (probably last) update will change quite a lot of things so yeah.)

Dev Update - December 2024

We're (still) looking for spriters.

If you're interested add me as a friend on gamejolt.

At the moment applications are: Closed

Also, phase 1 is getting a bit of a rework and is definitely looking better than ever.