Features and Additions
Added a toggle to the Audio / Video Player to switch between 3D and 2D sound
Changes and Improvements
Adjusted the minimum height of the Free Camera at some stages
Changed the displays of the Pentum Stage VIP Area and all control tent displays to LCD displays
Changed the Dukes Games banners at the Rockburn Stage
Changed the continue button sound effects in the main menu
Improved the stages 3D sound and turned down the environment sounds a bit
You can now toggle the Free Camera HUD with F1 too
Overhauled the Stage Simulator Logo
Light Manager performance improvements
Fixed bug that too many or too large music files will crash the game
Fixed RGB bug where the lights of the moving heads turned black at Random Each mode
Fixed bug that certain screens do not turn on at the Rockburn Stage
Fixed bug that the game won't close when quitting it while playing a video
Fixed bug that two video screens of the Rockburn Stage are switched
Fixed bug that the VRAM is filling up when playing a video and the game might crash
Fixed bug that you can open the Free Camera in the daytime selection at the Specta Stage
Fixed bug that the crowd is clipping through the side barricades at the Emblyn Stage
Fixed bug that the floor of the Nordic Stage was clipping out of the hangar
Fixed bug that you were able to go on top of the Rockburn Stage and Specta Stage
Fixed bug that you could walk through beach objects at the Pentum Stage
Fixed bug that you could open the Client in the Daytime Selection
Fixed UI issues with the lasers at the Specta Stage, Pentum Stage and Rockburn Stage
In Progress