Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary, where the Ice Climbers showed up in the story is the closest we'll ever get to have Ice Climbers 2...
why are we collecting vegetables on an Ice mountain for? why are we grabbing on to a pterodactyl at the top of the mountain? what is the reason why we are trapped inside this mountain? I think it's a mountain... why is there a polar bear trying to push us down? and why do seals hurt you? what is the story...? what is Popo and Nana doing there?
I was going to say something about the GBA, but then I found out that Ice Climbers is on the GBA... I didn't know that... cool...
i edited this video
i wasn't going to put a video, but then I remembered I had these 3 clips I played from the game I had, so I decided to make a video.
i am the one playing, I saved them from the Nintendo Switch's capture ability when you hold the capture button for a second to save the last 30 seconds of gameplay, I screenshoted the pictures from the video from my computer and wrote the text, the crop image of the Ice Climber with the text that says, "what?" above them, i colored black to remove the results screen.
and the last picture was from this art I made on this post I made.
now... here's some things I wish I did differently about this edit... i wanted to change them, but I didn't want to do extra work...
i wish I made the screenshots the right size... i didn't know what it was, but now the top and bottom of the croped image is black... hopefully it isn't too noticeable...
in the first screenshot in the video I said, "That was close..." i wish I made the ... a different color because behind the ... was a yellow wall thing, making it harder to see the ... i hope you did see it... and I hope you understand when I said, "That was close..." i safely made it up, went through that little crack, dodged all the enemies and icicle, I hit the icicle with my hammer when I jumped, the moving floor/platform trying to push me off, and i didn't fall down... the floor with the diagonal pattern moves you to the side when you step on it...
the third screenshot I said, "Why can't go back?" i wish I made it say, "Why can't go through again?" hopefully you understand what I meant by going back... went through the side of the walls and ended up on the other side... when I got to the end part when the camera moved and the vegetables appeared, it wouldn't let me go though the wall again...
at the results screen, I hope that you noticed the score going down when it went over i think they didn't add a higher number, so it went down... it does not go higher then score so it removed the 1 after and started the score over basically...