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New Camera Concept
Progress bar
So i've made the office scrolling movement, however there's one issue, whenever the mouse pointer is forcing the office scrolling to point at the same direction as it is, then it causes the screen to shake.
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Q&A (100 Followers celebration post)
"Weshek Al-Assad's regime is over".
-Jolani Goodtime.
A small satirical caricature I made about the most recent controversy regarding J4
I feel sorry for all those who were mistreated by Weshek (such as @hunterallen_ and @linabunni ) and even for @IvanG
Made a old street lamp out of boredom
Probably not the most accurate but yk.
I forgot to turn: Visible at the start, it's fixed now!
omygotoalilcreature :0
The final render (ik there aren't details on the pc, sorry guys, i will make them soon)