We are closer! Gods Will Be Watching finally has a release date! This summer, presumably in June, our point’n’click thriller about commitment and despair will be out willing to test you ethics in Steam, GOG and the Humble Store. Of course, all of you who already supported us getting a digital copy of the game will receive a Steam code.
We launched a gorgeous website for Gods Will Be Watching where you can read more about the game, see some screenshots and pre-order the game in the Humble Store with a 10% discount

The game was originally scheduled for february, but as we were working on it, we felt it needed more content and depth so we expanded the development to bring you the best experience we can create. This is somehow our debut with a big game and we want it to be as polished and awesome as possible. A good way to see how the new Gods Will Be Watching is coming bigger and better is taking a look on how looks the chapter that covers the original prototype scene:

There will be new actions like cooking or making spears. Also, turns will be indicated by the passage of time.
You will play also the nights! You can manage food rationing, give epic pep talks or order night shifts for progress faster on repairing the radio, hunting or making meds.
We’ll keep working brutally until summer, we are looking forward to free our moral puzzler out in the wild and hear from you what a bad time you had taking tough choices!