3 years ago

Good morning, good afternoon or good night. After almost 2 weeks here a New Novelty.
Mario and Luigi Remake Sprites 34%
GomiLuigi Mechanics Ready 100%
I'll Give You Review Next Week Tuesday.
Bowser Sprites Fury 29%
Toad Sprites = Still Processing

Haré una vista previa en video del juego el martes espero y que vean.
La Nueva Versión sale este 28 de diciembre.
I will make a video preview of the game on Tuesday I hope and who see

The New Version comes out this December 28
here the discord server for more: https://discord.gg/TSMAWdqy



Next up

As I said, Here the Remake of Mario and Luigi Propeller Box Como dije, aquí el remake de Mario y Luigi Propeller Box Que tengan un Buen Día, Tarde o noche Have a nice day, afternoon or night

I'm sick and I haven't done anything, but here is a preview of new Mario and Luigi for the final version. If the final because I will not give them to the first beta xd me enferme y solo he programado, pero ahi tienen una vista previa de Mario y Luigi

I made this pixel art for my Bowser's Fury fangame in 2D here is the discord server https://discord.gg/GpEbcC3U este pixel art de la cara de luigi lo hice para mi Fangame de Bowser's fury como icono de vidas aqui el server https://discord.gg/GpEbcC3U

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Mario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

Mario and Luigi Gato Designs Already Finished Luigi Cat 19% Mario Cat 23% Blue Toad (Unfinished Cat) Toadette (Unfinished) Daisy (In Process) GomiLuigi (In Process) Yoshi (Canceled)

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Wario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

here another project in mind of Spider-Man Still in Process

Luigi's Sprites 28% Mario Sprites 23% Enemy Sprites 19% Bowser's Fury Sprites 13% Power Ups 4%

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Donkey Kong. Accept the quest in your quest log to get started!

Mario Remasterizado y luego mostrare a luigi, GomiLuigi, Daisy y toad Azul Remasterizado Mario Remastered and then I'll show Luigi, GomiLuigi, Daisy and toad Blue Remastered https://discord.gg/sWfp5mSk