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The Monsters And Mortal Monkey Hotel Lookin Snazzy
Re-Enhanced Update:
- Fixed some builds missing Blueprints, materials, and texture changes.
- Increased Anti-Aliasing samples from 8 to 64.
- Darkened the sky texture and light in mascot mayhem zone 1.
Hell Mod Agatha Has Made It Into The Roster, Alongside the completion of Elementary Evil's Level :)
[CONCEPT] Clown Gremlin + CHASE
I have some bad news, since [Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals] got an update from UE 5.1 to 5.4, there have been some issues that make it unlikely to continue working on [M&M Hell Mod] so sadly, the mod will have to be on pause until further notice.
Finally Finished The Hedge Maze
I Just Added a Third Build To The Mod Page Where You Can Now Play The Original Build Of Dark Deception, But With The Enhanced Quality Upgrades From Re-Enhanced! Such As, Motion Blur, Better Anti-Aliasing, Higher Quality Textures, ETC! Enjoy!
Something I'm sure some people might not care about however it means a lot to me. I can say I'm working on with my buddy @CoolCat5G & @BonbonFazbear87
. We can't wait to share what update 3 has to offer!!!
Working on getting the 3.5.1 Hotfix out today