1. Switched AA Method From Multisample Anti-Aliasing [MSAA] To Temporal Anti-Aliasing [TAA]
[1. Note]: This Method Smoothens The Edges From Objects Better Then MSAA As It Is The 2nd Best Option. The 1st Best Is DLAA But It's Unavailable As It Is An NVIDIA DLSS Anti-Aliasing Method That Requires Installation From The Developers Themselves.
2. Improved Image Sharpening.
3. Improved Visuals Generally.
4. Added Anisotropy Filtering. [Max: x16.]
[4. Note]: Stop Textures From Blurring Up. Does Not Affect Performance.
5. Added Color Cool Blue To The Roof Lights In Mascot Mayhem Zone 2.
6. Increased Emissive Intensity To The Roof Lights In Mascot Mayhem Zone 2.
7. Fixed an Issue Where A Blue Light Would Clip Through The Door Leading To The Control Room After Turning On The Power.
8. Turned Off Unnessesary Clipping Point-Light In The Control Room When Turning On The Power.
[8. Note]: May Increase Performance Of The Room, Unsure.
9. Reverb & Dialogue Leveling Fixes For Every Chapter 4 Level.
10. Gave The Torment Therapy Club Music Better Reverb.
11. Joy Joy Ditty Song Improved