Hey all! Today is Sunday, which means another Gooter build!
We’re pretty much halfway through finishing the ‘rough drafts’ of World 1 (Crossing Fields). Note that there will eventually be a bit of a hiatus as I prepare a large demo (0.14.0), but that won’t be until after Christmas.
Anyways, here are the changes:
New TwoTwenty Games splash screen!
New levels added! A few steps closer to the "completion" of Crossing Fields!
New Soober variant! This one is a bigger version of the Soober, and it’s basically the same... but BIGGER!
Also, speaking of Soobers, they no longer kill Normal Roguts. They are planned to only interact with Corrupted Roguts when those get implemented.
You can also now collide with Soobers correctly (as a solid object).
Recolored the backdrop in the test level.
Added water
Added the score counter back! It is now above Gooter's head instead of on top of the screen. In this build, it will always appear, however in the future you can toggle it on and off using the middle-mouse button.
Nerfed the Rogut spawnrate.
Added level music! The new version of "Awaken Into The Fields" is a very early version, which means it may not sound the best and may need a lot of improvements.
Bug fixes and improvements
That's it! I hope you all enjoy, and I will see you all next Sunday!