ya esta disponible la version final del juego y aqui la lista de cambios:
1- se añadio el nivel 3 ahora si es jugable
2-se añadio unos cuantos logros nuevos para completar
3-se añadio una skin de nave secreta que se obtiene al completar el juego y presionar cierto boton
4-nueva musica
5-hubo un ligero cambio en la vida del jefe del nivel 1 y 2
6-ahora si presionas z o 1 en el menu de ayuda podras utilizar esas teclas para disparar
The final version of the game is now available and here is the list of changes:
1- Level 3 was added and is now playable
2- A few new achievements were added to complete
3- A secret ship skin was added that is obtained by completing the game and pressing a certain button
4- New music
5- There was a slight change in the life of the boss of level 1 and 2
6- Now if you press z or 1 in the help menu you can use those keys to shoot
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