The monitor man (In Paused)

6 months ago

Brixie Picnic Room (Beta) Revealed!

Hello everyone who is reading this

I reveal to you this map of many that we are going to see during this adventure, I thought it was finished but the truth is I am wasting a lot of this concept so I decided to remodel it, but first I want to talk about what has been happening during this time in silence.

First of all I am concentrating on my personal life, as some know I work and that takes away some of my time to continue with this, I am giving my personal life the attention it deserves, very unfortunate things have happened during this time for me , and that takes away my motivation, desire and energy to continue with this, but I continue despite it although I also questioned some things during the time, and I will talk a little about the fangames I work on.

As for the other fangames I work on, lately I've been thinking about the future and the current situation. Since I started this, many have wanted me to be part of their team and I have joined their projects, and although I was excited to be part of a talented team and a great project, unfortunately there were always degenerate people, some of these projects. He became annoying or even cruel to others, and in the end they ended up canceling these projects, I ended up hating everyone, unfortunately instead of loving what I do i ended up hating it and also detesting the community over time, 4 years have passed, with the time I understood that it is not worth working on other people's projects as long as there are degenerate people., but in the future I may talk about it in a post with details.

And returning with this, Brixie Picnic is going to be the attraction of the cat Brixie, I decided to remodel it both to take advantage of that idea in a better way and to correct and improve the optimization.

What you are seeing is the excess of polygons that all those candies count.


Many of these models were made with detail and finesse and of course many of these will have a large number of polygons but there is a difference if it is justified or not, and those that are not are reshaped.

Here I show both old captures and views of the place before its remodeling.


And for now I prefer to leave the new redesign of the room as a surprise.

Finally I want to thank my friends for being by my side and for helping me in a way as big as you can't imagine.

Especially to @TacuachiTV She has been a great friend to me, she has helped me through the most difficult times,@Alecestivilla You are kind and supported me selflessly, now the drawings you make for this project are incredible and special to me, @Boxin I had a good time with you... and @El_Eternauta_1957 For being my best friend all this time.

I can only say thank you very much I love you all



Next up

Today I present to you

BG_Bunny or Carry Remodel

My OC set for projects

Helpy Wip

This is not dead, just quiet and discreet development :)


Feliz San Valentín

Rat Race Production Update

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Vanny Wip


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Some wips