Well what a week!
Yesterday An Aspie Life won first play in the Queensland iAwards!
Yes I did remove my name and school from the image…
Autism cannot be seen, it cannot be heard, and it cannot be experienced by people unless you have it. You cannot describe autism because it is so complex, and how do you explain your life if you don’t know what ‘real’ life is like? So how can the public’s opinion on autism change? By allowing people to experience what it is like to be an Aspie (Asperger’s) through a game. “An Aspie Life” brings to life the hard and commonly misunderstood world of autism. By having players play out the life of an autistic person, their actions in the game will have to adapt to how an autistic person sees the world in an ordinary everyday life. The game is hopefully going to change the public perception or at least make people realise, what autism “really” is.
Find more out here — > https://www.iawards.com.au/history/2017-iawards/state-winners-and-merit-recipients
AND to day we got Greenlit!