Guilt Battle Arena
6 years ago

Guilt Battle Arena is now available for free on Android!



Next up

Free update v3.0

Main Mode: Horde If you are looking for a breather from the competition but still want to play Guilt Battle Arena, the Horde main mode is for you. Alone or with a friend, defeat endless waves of enemies and try to beat your high score!

First concept art. What do you think?

Main Mode: Battle Arena

Vote now for the theme you would like our next game to be by joining us now on Discord -> (you will influence the games we are making)

After defining the pitch with the community: "Your projectiles are influenced by gravity modifiers." We started the prototype last Friday! Join us on Discord here and have an impact on the game we are making

50% off! Guilt Battle Arena will be *50% off* from the 23rd of August to the 6th of September! Don’t think twice and *get your copy today!*

Main Mode: Custom

Now we need to find a way to limit the shooting madness! Join us on Discord here and have an impact on the game we are making

Match Type: Championship