I absolutely love the game Hades and had to create a poster for them when I had the chance. My assignment was to create an ad for a fictional character. I chose to make one for Zagreus and the item called Nectar.
Zagreus can gift these to other characters to unlock dialogue or recieve gifts back from those characters. I wanted to feature Cerberus because the hellhound is quite docile in the game, but I can definitively imagine him being quite feral too.
I started with a rough sketch of the hellhound with the Nectar PNG to kinda have an idea how the bottle would have to look. Afterwards I asked my coach to give me some pointers and we moved Cerberus more to the side. The product here is more important than the character so we changed the perspective here.
Then I started the coloring and rendering process. This took me a good 2 days to get it right. Especially since I haven't drawn fur this detailed before. Later I darkened the other heads of the hellhound to bring back the focus to the bottle again. It's important to keep the main idea in the frame.
Lastly it comes down to the area I struggled the most with at the time: typography and hierarchy. The font choice was poorly decided on at the time; this is a Greek mythos game, so why am I using a bold and impactful font? I'm also missing other details like the price, the companies name (the logo isn't enough), where the bottle could be obtainable etc... Either way, I did learn quite a bit about rendering and visual hierarchies here.
For the artwork I used Medibang Paint Pro (despite the name it's a free program >w>) and my Huion Inspiroy WH1409 V2 (drawing tablet).
For the logo and typography I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.