It's been 2 years since i started work as a fnafb game,making 10 games in the span of two years! releasing two being Hell four us and golden disaster for the 10 year anniversary fnafb has,while being a lot of work,sweat,tears and blood!
so am i gonna make next?
well it's...Toy freddys kmart sim!

Join t.freddy and t.bonnie on a quest of doing meaningless kmart crap as t.freddy loses his shit,
while very early in's rather promising i'd say
not only it has full tts but also...

new movesets! because honestly just reusing ccs/fms would be boring.
besides this...a fnafbee update is planned!

Having you play as metalionnet and the optional rusty animatronics in this mode you can either do a solo run or recruit the rusties for a easier time,in the case of a solo run
you will get additional skills to make it easier!

the rusties not only have unqie moves but passives as well,
making them much more fun to use,
so think of metalionnet scenario as fnafb3 act 1 but with additional members!
regardless both are early in development so dont expect them out soon.
In addition,i wanted to thank some people who have helped me all these years.
@Swagtama - thank you for all the bullshit you helpt me code,all the times you tested my games alongside fixing those bugs,thank you for being there for me for when i was feeling down and thank you for helping with rebalancing stuff
@Frashaw27 - thank you for helping me rebalance my games,giving me tips on game development,helping me code,doing renders for me alongside being emotional support
you and bless are the best friends i could've asked for,
both of you always push me to do better and finish my crap
alongside being geniuly intrested in the story i want to tell
means a lot to me and i'm thankful for it
@NightmareDoom - thank you for playtesting my games and helping rebalance them alongside pointing out grammar fixes
@Flanny - thank you funny woman for testing my shit,giving balance advice alongside being a very nice and sweet person
@Ashy202 - thank you for doing the gamejams,i would literally not be here if it wasn't for you doing them
alongside giving me advice over the years and playing my games
@baahysbnbn - thank you for being the driving force for hfu,
if it wasn't for you then the project wouldn't be real
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