One of the many quality of life changes that will be added (or at least want to) will be instructions on four things that are different from the main nights (shown on screen) and you unlock them when you die at least once. This makes it so if someone is confused on the controls or need some sort of hint as to what they need to do to progress then you can come here. Of course you don't need these if you want, but Cardboard Theatre and Freddy in Space are a pain in the ass and don't really tell you what you need to do, so here they are. I only just realized that it was the anniversary and just felt wrong not to say anything. Have a nice day/night (btw yes, I might of missed the day by one but whatever lol)
Next up
Replayed > Dormitabis all the way to night 10, got to say that this is still my go to fan game to this day. It has most of what I love about fnaf, sound design, textures and more and still is fun to play. Btw this image scares me and still does ;-; More:
Oh wow! 187 Followers! that's a lot of people. I have to say thank you all so much for the follows, although it's not my goal to reach a shit ton of these it's still nice to get from time to time. I hope you all have lovely days ahead and see you latter.
Hello! I know I said that I'm moving out of the public eye for awhile but Fazbear's Mascot Simulator has found!!! Someone asked the dev if they still had a copy and he gave the games download on Google drive. I asked the dev if he was cool with me-
Quick question, does anyone know what happened to Satan's Factory 2 made by @Real_Glitchran ? Just noticed the game missing from my follow's and find that the game is now deleted. I'm assuming it's canned but an answer would be appreciated, thank you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite main line FNAF GAME! although simple with it's gameplay it's a good game with fantastic visuals and minigames. This game has the best replayability in the series and has one of the best endings ever, the music still gets me.
OH is that right!? so when someone admits to staking someone for a WHOLE YEAR AND HRASSES people that's fine but when I want to give awareness to you lot this is what I get? You know what fine then, dw about the block cuz I won't join back, what a joke.
''Could someone be at my window?''
I'll play along with this:
and that's it.