Today is the day (November 13) the first version 2.0 of Five Nights at Angel's was released, that version was a failure, then the game was improved in version 2.0.3, adding new mechanics and improving the AI of the characters.
I feel that this game got unfair hate and was underrated, so I would like to say a few things about this game and answer some of the criticisms you have made
First I feel that people didn't like the game because of the 2.0 version, and because of that version no one is paying attention to the game, even though the game was updated and the mechanics were changed, If you did not play version 2.0.3, I think you should give the game another chance.
Besides, TheMrAngelGames584 learned from his mistakes and is improving everything in version 3.0
Now I will answer some of the criticisms that the game had that do not make sense:
1. the mechanics of version 2.0
Well if in part you are right in that the only mechanic was the shock and already, that made the game boring, so in version 2.0.3 new mechanics were added as the alarm, the jammer and hyperflash.
But what doesn't make sense is that they say that it is stolen from jolly 2.
Guys don't be silly, the Electroshock mechanic was first used in Sister Location,
And the sound of electroshock that was used, is from a web page, besides there were other fangames of FNaF that used the same sound of Shock of Jolly 2, like Benny The Clown Circus World REMASTERED for example.
So for sure it's not original from Jolly 2.
2. The characters are recolors or has stolen parts.
I don't know what obsession people have to say this, and NO, TheMrAngelGames584 modeled the characters, besides he showed screenshots of how they modeled them.

That the characters like Freddy or Walten look like their original designs, does not automatically mean that it is a recolor, Angel simply modeled them very faithful to their original designs.
Like freddy from FNaF 1 and Walten as designed by Tubbyland.
This is called an Accurate Design
But it is ridiculous to say that Angel is a recolor of Lockjaw from TRTF just because he is a human, that is ridiculous.
FNAA 2.0 models do not have parts stolen from other models.
The ones that do have parts from other models are the 3.0 version models, those models do have parts from other models, but it is not theft because TheMrAngelGames584 gave credit to the creators of the original models, and the models he used do not have rules, so it is not stolen at all.
For FNAA 3.0 models Credits to the creators of the Original models: Nathan_Zica, GaboCO316 and Hiplawyercat
Five Nights at Angel's simply didn't deserve so much hate and the fact that it took Mr. Angel 4 years to make this game already seems unfair to me,
I'm just saying that this game has great potential, in my opinion FNAA was a very good game, because of the mechanics (2.0.3), character designs, Ambient, and the game is fun.
And it was an honor to have helped in this game and to be the voice actor of Golden Angel.
And for the people who did like the game and enjoyed it, we appreciate it very much, and that you enjoyed the game,
This is told to you by one of the members of the FNAA Development Team
-Aran Bucobo