The video above contains various unfinished/placeholder and unpolished visuals and gameplay.
So... What's the hold up?
Never See You Again has seen some expected roadblocks, and I do apologize for the lack of updates and the silence, a lot of us have been busy with our personal lives like school or even work that has impacted development immensely. That and there's nothing interesting to show that we aren't saving up for the final product so you guys can see it all for yourself.
But know that there is *some* progress being done, albeit really slow. But we'll try to get it out when its ready. Our current goal is on June of this year, so stay alert on that date.
On other news, Toasty have resigned his role as director, and giving me the position. Not a lot is going to change as he is still heavily involved in the game in a certain degree. But right now, he's working on his own project which you should definitely check out on his profile.

(Some other work in progress stuff as well, none of them are final and is subject to change)
Alas, that's all for this short anniversary devlog. I really wished to show more, trust me, I do! But that's what's gonna cut it for now. I dearly apologize if you expected more or not,
Nevertheless, until we meet again