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Sound on!

"Endless Hero" #Backstage: The DRAGON!

#FreetoPlay #endlessrunner coming soon on #GooglePlay 

Music by the great Algal the Bard:  https://www.youtube.com/user/alvariu

Video by the awesome @ForatAldahme

#tenebrastudios #endlesshero #clickergame #Android

1st page of #EndlessHero #endlessrunner #game awesome intro #comic! What do you think will happen to our Hero?

Will he be eaten by the dragon? Is he going to be delicious? Is this the end of the story?

#tenebrastudios #conceptart #freetoplay #android

📢 #Staysafe and dance, dance, DANCE! 💃🎵

Wear a #mask people 😷

"Endless Hero" #FreetoPlay #endlessrunner #game

Coming soon on #GooglePlay

Video by the awesome @Forat_Aldahme

#tenebrastudios #endlesshero #games #android