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Age of Empires

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Hello guys! Today is Friday, which means it's time for FNF. I have prepared for you a cute and cute mod "FNF: Kepler Observation Unit" about an android KOU. I recorded the whole first week and didn't regret it))

SpaceBoy 0:25

Cosmic 2:57

K.O.U 5:25


Hi guys, today is Friday, which means FNF time!!!

I decided to continue shooting the "Kepler Observation Unit" mod and your attention is fully provided for 2 week:

TWINKLE - 0:21


QUASAR - 5:10

Here you can observe 2 of my characters, which are a pile of metal, and a surprised predatory rabbit.

#art #drawing #illustration #oc #ocart #characterart #furry #furryart #robot #android

I present to you my predatory rabbit who can hide objects in her belly, not through mouth.

#art #oc #drawing #illustration #furry #furryart #ocart #rabbit #robot #android #cover #coverart #poster