Dungeon Nightmares

10 years ago

Happy Halloween! Dungeon Nightmares II Demo Now Out!

Happy Halloween everyone! Thanks for choosing to play Dungeon Nightmares this halloween. All the videos on YouTube have been fantastic to watch!

As a treat for everyone here that are fans of the game, I have released a short preview of Dungeon Nightmares II that will give you a taste of what the full game will offer. As you are aware, the game is still in development and is currently in alpha with many new features added everyday, most of which are not in the demo.

You can find the demo over at our official site

Don’t forget to follow on Twitter @marysnightmares and @kmonkeyblog for the latest updates.



Next up

Ergastulum Beta Want to privately test the Beta for Ergastulum [ ]? make sure to follow @ [ ]kmonkeyblog for more news on that

Fallen Angels?

Don't Follow Her into that Room... *Follow @ [ ]MarysNightmares* ** [ ]

Did you think I forgot all about you?

As promised to all those playing the Early Access, I will be adding further Acts until all 7 are completed from the main storyline. Here is a sneak peek at Act 3 that is coming along very nicely :)

Remember those pipes in Dungeon Nightmares 1 & 2? yeah I don't either

Great Balls of Fire, Coming to Ergastulum

Better Watch Out For Those Glowing Eyes in Ergastulum More information about the follow up to Dungeon Nightmares:

Happy New Year! Ergastulum coming 2018