That’s right! 25 years ago, Kirby’s Dream Land for Game Boy was first released in Japan, and if you haven’t heard yet, HAL has already released Team Kirby Clash Deluxe on Nintendo 3DS, and later this summer, they’re releasing Kirby’s Blowout Blast, which will be Kirby’s first standalone fully 3D game! And to finish off the year, a brand new “multiplayer action game” is coming this holiday season, also starring Kirby. Can’t wait!
Now, many of you are probably wondering what kind of progress I’ve made since the last update, and the answer is, “more progress than last time it’s been roughly 3 months since the previous update.” I’ve finished most of Bubbly Clouds, all I need to do is polish some things and add the Kracko Jr. and Kracko fights. Here’s some cool screenshots to check out:

I hope to finish the whole game by August 1, which was the release date for Kirby’s Dream Land in America. So, this year will be a great year for Kirby with 4 total new games being released. Have a great year, guys and gals!
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