This Post's Topics :
- Q&A
- Teasers
- Resolutions
- My Story So Far
Q&A : This Year's Q&A Can have Questions About Anything ! With Respecting The Rules Of GJ and Rules Like :- Context Must Stay In Limits Of "Do You Like/Do/Know This"
- Respect GameJolt Rules
Teasers : This Section Contains The UPCOMMING TEASERS For Stuff I Will BE Doing The The Future
New UCN Feature
The Door :
Resolutions : In This Year I Think Of Doing Amazing Stuff for you Guys ! Altho Time May Be Required !
- Finish FFCCN Update 9.0.0
- Start The Door's Game
- Make A New Show : Chill & Relax With Clutch
- Make Another New Show : MDT Toons
- Finish The MDT8 (My Main 8 Games)
- Eat Cheese like alot of it
My Story Started So Long In Time That I Will Need To Chapter It so Hold On !
CHAPTER 1 : The Begining :
it all started in 2016 as i was siting watching youtube as i was having launch, then suddenly a video From a Youtuber @VoltStudios1 Apeared In Front Of Me, in that time i knew fnaf was a thing, so i decided to watch it then... IT HIT ME ! i saw all of those game that he played, and i decidedto try and make my own GAME and thats when i started doing scratch, In 2020 i made several scratch games, among them were the MDT8 my 8 main games altho the list had only 5 games in that time : NeoMon, Windows Beware (a fanmade version of simulated-windows), One Night At Dog, Super Scratch Bros 3, FNAF Universe, i that year i finaly discovered VOLTER's Discord, a server that is currently down, that server's members hated me... and that hurted me so bad at first, altho @FunnyManCool
Helped Me Get Back Standing Better Than Ever Like I never Did, In That Time i was preparing a HUGE thing for the Years 2024-2025-2026-2027 if we live to that point, i made a Amanda the adventurer fangame called SLT in 2023 and currently making the second chapter, to clarify the story
also making 2 new games wich are NEOMON : Legacy and Ink Tycoon (its realeased) and remplacing Windows Beware and FNAF Universe with them, to the addition adding The Door and FFCCN to the list in Year 2024.
CHAPTER 2 : The Crowning Of The King :
it was a regular day in 2023 on july, when i was in a discord server chiling and staying away from the fnaf scarcth community and just wondering betwean discord and scratch, when i discovered, The FFC wich i quikly tryed to join in something called a Voting Poll at first i was confused and the server seemed excited ! altho i the unknown MrMDT got there in a tornado of messages with people excited for it at first it seemed fine ! altho after the poll's closure and the Failure of ONAD 8 of reaching the Server's devlog list, the people who were once excited and very inovatif as they looked, disapeared and stayed in the corener posting devlogs, when they can, so this is when i got the totaly random idea of doing a UCN game about the characters of that server, this is when FFCU or FFCCN was created, then the creators started to join and many of them started to REFRENCE each other in the other's games, altho... when the server was about to fall to the archive, we stood as the server colapses and we did the last poster for the server presenting the final 5 messages in the general 1 section

The End... altho i prefer putting a comma cause the story is still bieng made and the narrator is still reading, since that i came back to the community nhanced everything i knew and finaly finishing the last things in my Game- no. OUR game FFCCN, and Thank You, Keep That Smile Shiny And Have A Great Day ! It Was DT Here, and See You !
Shout Out To The People In This Section, Some May Not BE Found Unfortunatly and some did ! so here's there GJ :
@FunnyManCool - @BreadHead46
- @Reapzer
- @spoonaroonial
- @TumbleweedGames0917
- @VoltStudios1
- @Bruhsta27
- @ShortStreet53
- @MR_droid
- @brkeydev
- @ChristianCeara4
- @Filetowy
@FazDex_Studios - @Chron0Pix3l
- @CreationTheDev
- @ImKai-Productions - @orbiusorbington
i May Forgot Some So tell Me