Hello everybody!
I haven't posted in a year! This is probably because I'm in university until May, then I might do my masters then probably a doctorate.
All of this to say: I don't know when my next game will be releasing.
My top priority for, about, 6 years, is Alien Takeover 3 (a Clickteam Fusion 2.5 game).
I've been on this platform for 10 years!

So, that's an awesome reminder that I'm getting old
Anyway, with that being said, I'm starting up a studio that will be producing 15-22mins videos weekly (for now). We will be uploading the videos in 8K, hopefully, in March time. The studio is called Lunar Phantom Studios (A YouTube channel hasn't been done yet).
As always, thanks for following me if you are!
That should be all I think.