6 months ago


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#2024 #2023 #NewYearsEve

This year was a good year

many cool things might have happend to you, and even if not hope you will get well in 2024 ;)

I had a great year :3


I realized my Sonic OC Maker in only a few months :D


I made FNAWA and Sonic.23Exe (It will be renamed to Sonic 32.Exe btw because i thought it will be released in 2023 but 32 won't mean it will come out 2032, it means 3 for 3D and 2 for 2D since it's mixed 2D and 3D)


I also began to realize Wild Adventure and the Ambient Express


This was the year i started publishing my music <3


This is the year i got Deviantart


This is the year i got the most followers different to 2022 when i started with Game Jolt


I made many friends and met other interesting people


That's the year Hokopuffs got 1K and got a Game Jolt Creator! <3


And 2024 I can get Officially Access to my Spotify and Youtube Music Channel and also i can get Discord and many other stuff because i will have the legal age for it! :DDDDDD


Anyways, I wish you all a great 2024 ;D

Say goodbye to 2023 and say hello to 2024! ^^



Next up

Guys! This is definitely gonna be an OC Maker Revolution!

I just created this two Sonics without AI and any other thing,

only using Unity Skinning :OOOOO

In the game you can do this too!!!

#Sonic #OMG #Sonic_Dream_Team

Added some more interior and Vanilla's NPC turn around

I plan to release the early Tails and full Cream demo soon!

#Sonic #Sonicexe #Sonic_Jack #SonicJack #Creppypasta

#FanArtFriday (Reupload of my IDW Sonic :})


#Sonic #Art #Fanart #IDW


Anyways, i hope you like it

Mr Beast is a Meat... uhm... what?

I mean mister meat is a beast!


a drawing for @Skyler20089

Guys! Check out the Trailer my friend made! I will make the music soon to it ^^


#Sonic #Sonic_Fangame #Sonic_Game

Piece of a cake! Too easy!

UltraX, my version of X for "All-Stars"

UltraX is (obviously) inspired by Ultra M, both its style and the design

His name is not pronounced "Ultra X" it is pronounced all together, "UltraX"

Swipe to see the original Ultra M

Funneh Sonic Thing

This could be a Meme Template (make it meme ;J)

#Sonic #Sosic #Sanic #Meme