Hope you people appreciated my valentines wishes, you guys are always amazing in every ways, if I forgot some, it will be all here with one message, hope you all had a beautiful valentines day with your good family, enjoy everything good on your lifes
Just chillin on Dream Buffet after some months, played for the whole midnight, always doing the spicy difficulty, collected all characters treats, i'll see how much i can get from these matches for how many strawberries and bonus i can get
Despite being so unsure of this, Sonic The Hedgehog was the first game i've beated, and i can't stop playing it until this year, i love the first game a lot, is just awesome to me like the sequel on 1992, just my most favorite game on this saga
5 days left until valenties day, wish you all a happy month and to have great days, have fun with family and take care well, keep your good smile on your face