1 year ago
Currently, my most favorite Nintendo game is EarthBound/Mother. Last summer, I finished the whole trilogy, and started making various character sprites in all three styles of Mother. And of course, the episodic crossover project.
Next up
Met a boy named Ninten today. Seemed cool. #CatsRuleEverythingAroundMe
say hi to porky 😈
Happy Undertale Yellow's 1st Anniversary!
Now people make AU versions of this story, so here's a fanart of TS!Underswap Cyan, an AU by @El1000Tori2 !
Read our dialogue in comments for official swaps!
(Based on games by @teamswitched and @TeamUTY )
Overtime Straw - Full Main Cast & Rebranding!
My copy of Mother 3 really must be on the fritz or somethin.