HASTE (Time-bending action)
10 years ago

HASTE - a glimpse of a new game

How’re you doing, Hardcore People? =)

As you already know, we’ve moved HASTE to Unity 5 and now taking full advantage of it’s graphical features + we’re improving gameplay a lot!

I’ve prepared a veeeery short but rather informative video for you today.

You can watch it here:

Maybe I will show something more detailed next week, when we celebrate our first anniversary of development =)

But before I leave, I have one question for you: would you buy unfinished version of HASTE on Steam’s Early Access to be able to play it first?

See ya later!




Next up

HASTE - Volumetric Lighting

HASTE - Future Menu Screen

HASTE - Family Selfie

I'm not very good with keeping working on a single project, but as long as they're all fun and cool - why shouldn't I continue?

HASTE - Ledge Hanging and Climbing (long-awaited feature)

What if...

HASTE - Less Mirror's Edge, More F.E.A.R.


I.. Just sudennly figured out how to rewind physics and to get rid of any timeScale problems... More prototypes soon maybe?..

Physics and attack animations with timings from DmC