HASTE (Time-bending action)
10 years ago

HASTE - Fresh Meat

Greetings, Hardcore People!

I’ve almost finished coding a new player controller for our game to allow main character swim, ride lifts and trains, crouch and slide.

We also work on maaajor graphical improvements - we take a good use of post-proccessing effects now.

Current version of the game looks like this:


Does it feel like a major update to you? =)

We’ve also submitted HASTE Proto3 to the local indie Games Jam. You can support us by clicking big heart button to the right of the main text.

I hope you won’t be disappointed when we release our game on Steam - we’ve put a good ton of cool stuff in it.

Thanks for your attention! See ya later!

  • Eugene



Next up


HASTE - Family Selfie

I'm not very good with keeping working on a single project, but as long as they're all fun and cool - why shouldn't I continue?

HASTE - Less Mirror's Edge, More F.E.A.R.

Physics and attack animations with timings from DmC

I.. Just sudennly figured out how to rewind physics and to get rid of any timeScale problems... More prototypes soon maybe?..

HASTE - Volumetric Lighting

HASTE - Playing around with debug third-person view

HASTE - Destructive Empty Magazine

Demo of our new game - Super Bio-Man - is live on Steam!