HASTE (Time-bending action)
10 years ago

HASTE on IndieGoGo

Freaking great news, Hardcore People!

We’ve launched our crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo to raise the funds for development of a full-scale game!

If you love challenging replayable games instead of interactive linear movies (like most of the AAA-games) - you should definitely check out our IGG page:

Remember! We are making this game for players and not for cash. Help us to kick some AAA-asses in slow-motion!

See ya later!

  • Eugene



Next up

What if...

HASTE - Future Menu Screen

I'm not very good with keeping working on a single project, but as long as they're all fun and cool - why shouldn't I continue?

I.. Just sudennly figured out how to rewind physics and to get rid of any timeScale problems... More prototypes soon maybe?..

HASTE - Volumetric Lighting

HASTE - Family Selfie

One sleepless night later...

HASTE - Further Graphonium Update

Physics and attack animations with timings from DmC

HASTE - Ledge Hanging and Climbing (long-awaited feature)