HASTE (Time-bending action)
10 years ago

HASTE - Screeny Update!

Greetings, Hardcore People!

Since I quit my job to finish this game, I now have much more time to tweak awesomness and to add more details to our speedrunning game.

This is what you’ll be able to see in HASTE Proto3:


If a horrible mistake took place when you saw our game among the submissions of Steam Greenlight, and you voted “No, Thanks”, maybe it’s now a good time to rethink your decision? :) Our Greenlight page is here:

If everything goes right, I’ll try to reveal Proto3 somewhere in the end of November. Yep, this month.

Sooo… As always: be good, stay in touch and keep on playing good games!

See ya later!




Next up

What if...

One sleepless night later...

HASTE - Future Menu Screen

HASTE - Further Graphonium Update

HASTE - Less Mirror's Edge, More F.E.A.R.

I.. Just sudennly figured out how to rewind physics and to get rid of any timeScale problems... More prototypes soon maybe?..

Demo of our new game - Super Bio-Man - is live on Steam!

HASTE - Playing around with debug third-person view

Physics and attack animations with timings from DmC

HASTE - Ledge Hanging and Climbing (long-awaited feature)