Five Nights With 39: Impurity

1 year ago

He was forced out by the beast, Plushie still trapped inside, it is unknown if they even survived.
39 was left to wander the streets, alone.




Next up

Via unknown substance, 39 would escape to what he called his 'Safe Haven'. He became detatched, and would be with his friends again, venturing The Island, quelling all evil that lurked within.

But... All good things come to an end, eventually.

Double Trouble

I've seen many speculate about the red eye, so I figured as a little Xmas pressie to you all, I'd finally clear the air. Two bunnies are better than one, right? Merry Xmas & Happy Holidays from down under! ~39

The one that he called: Sam, arrived at the studio just before 12am, unbeknownst to them, he had a plan: To participate in various amounts of tomfoolery.

Forgot to post this here, blender models for 39, Wesley and Plushie are now available to the public. :)…

I'm less obsessed with green now, and more obsessed with green AND purple together, the most color combo of all time >:D

39 never liked Halloween, as it was the very night that he lost himself, and murdered his friends.

Experience the catalyst for this brutal and major event, come 2024.

Newer, accurate models of 39 & his friends were set to replace them, with improved security technology, nullifying the need for a nightguard. But the new green rabbit would face a devastating malfunction, attacking everything on sight, with brute force.


In celebration of 39's 7th anniversary, I've decided to give you all a small taste of Impurity with a short demo.

The upcoming Ventures update will feature overhauled pre-rendered cutscenes with new dialogue, alongside many other quality of life updates.

Coming eventually.