A brand new update to FNaSf 2 Beta is going to release very soon!
Yes, you heard me right! A brand new update! Heck yeah! This will be called The Gamma Update. And just a quick side note, this is NOT Five Nights at Sunflower's 2: Recoded! This is just basically a prototype of it, and a taste of what FNaSf 2: Recoded is going to be like!
This Gamma Update includes:
Improved art style! (Except some of those that are already good)
Changes of mechanics on some of the plants!
Added a reaction time to the mask this time around, to make it a lot more challenging! When you're too slow to put on the mask on the characters, welp, you dead!
Made the nights lot more fair and fun in terms of gameplay!
Changes of phone calls to make it a lot more concise! (Special thanks to @tymofiiputivskii
for voicing the new phone guy, Dylan!)
Custom Night menu has been improved with brand new challenges and rewards! I also reduced the AI level to 10 since there are too many characters and 15 seems a bit high, so I reduced it!
Extras menu is redone with changes of lore in some of the characters!
Survival Mode is finally added in-game! It has the same mechanics from the first game tho so there's that XD!
And that's basically all of 'em! I can assure you that this update is actually pretty darn huge update, and I hope that you guys will love it! The release of this update is probably tomorrow or Sunday, but we'll see! The game is pretty much 100% done when I announced it, but I still gotta beta test it before releasing it to the public!
LKB, out!