Five Nightmares Nightmare Terrors - Director's Cut

4 years ago

Hello again Five Nightmares Fans! and Here is a little Look at Freddy's Emote that you can get in the Store in the Next Update. >wO


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Next up

Something New is Coming Back...?

So! Later on Tonight i will upload a Teaser Trailer of some type for the Next upcoming game!

and here's a little part of an image for you all to see, so stay tuned and catch ya all later!~

Another Update! Heya everybody! and here is something cool, i am here with @JoshuaTheDarkwolfHeartless himself irl! and he is helping me with Writing the Bio's for the Characters in the Extras Menu, i can't Thank him enough for most of the help! ^^

Heya Again People! Once more Sorry i haven't been doing or posting much as i was away for a while but Don't worry! in a day and half i will show you The Screamer on YouTube, in the meantime here's this little Transition when you start the Night~

The Final Vote is Done!

Once again Hello everyone! & looks like the vote on both Here & YouTube is "The Hybrid Screamer", Very well, as a Reward here's a Teaser Image of the Monster in Cam 2, you'll see this Thing in action with a Video of it soon enough~

Me and Joshua Working Together!

So once again! Me with @JoshuaTheDarkwolfHeartless IRL! Are doing more work on the game with his help on doing the Lore/Story info in the game's menu and I can't Thank him enough for it. ^^


Hmmm... 2 Controlled Shockers, a room that looks abandoned and old, This Looks Familiar?

Hello & Finally i can log back in! so last week i had a Problem with my Laptop where it sounded like the Fan was gonna go Kaboom. (God that is loud!) and so i was unable to work on the game or do anything for a few days up till that Sat Live stream i did.

Tomorrow.. i will Upload a Teaser video of the Main Menu for the up coming Five Nightmares Game so... here is a little Image of that so far.