DragonBall Infinite Battle: Alpha III

4 years ago

Hello All,

Fijisama back at it again with the Micro-Updates!

I'm shooting for a January 2022 Alpha III Release; All things considered I hope to be able to stick to that date.

In a show of good faith, I present to you:

The final Alpha III Roster!

This is a showing of the final roster of the main game sans DLC (23rd Budokai - Buu Saga).

The eagle eyed of you may notice the empty (?) slots on the edges of the select screen. These will be additional characters that i will talk more about later.

Alpha III is primarily a content update; The focus being on function over form. The next release (Alpha IV) will deal with standardizing, housekeeping and improving overall aesthetics.

I have at least 4 more Alpha releases planned (including Alpha IV) before the first Beta release. Any updates after Beta I will be housekeeping in nature; in preparation for the final 1.0 release.

The three Alpha's after Alpha IV will deal with DB Super. They will be significantly smaller in scope and content; and much closer together as far as release dates.

Once again all of this is tentative; things are definitely subject to change.

However I like to keep myself accountable for the vision I have for this game; So here you go haha.

Until next time,




Next up

Hello All!

It took a little longer than planned to get here since my last update; But I come bearing gifts!

Alpha III.1 launches 6/1!

More info below!


DragonBall Infinite Battle Alpha III.1 Out Now!

Download Link:

FijiSama here; Reporting with a special update!

Looks like Dr.Gero's final creation has joined the fight!?

Introducing Android 21!

And it seems she broguht a friend...? Read on to find out!


Due to unforeseen circumstances, Alpha II has been retracted for the time being. Release has been postponed to later this month. Thank You in advance for your patience and understanding.

- FijiSama

Hey All,

FijiSama Reporting!

Its been awhile since my last update, so I figured I'd showoff a mechanic I wanted to introduce since Alpha I:


But that's not all! Read below for the Full Report!

Hey all!

I made a playlist of character trailers for all my characters! It gets updated daily; So there's always something to see!

Click the link below and Check it out!

Infinite Theater Playlist:…


Seriously, Thanks for all the support guys.

Keep being awesome, and see you at the end!

Until Alpha III,

BigFiji AKA FijiSama

Hey all, Fijisama here with another minor update.

This time around its the (better) fusion of Goku and Vegeta:


Read below for more on Alpha III and progress news!

Hello All! Fijisama reporting after a long hiatus. It's been a while. But i didn't come empty handed Welcome to Sonic Blast! I'd say more but I'd rather you see for yourself

Available Now!

We are under attack!